Let the Journey Begin!

FullSizeRender-1The New Year always brings ideas of change, hope, promises and goals. As I reflect back on resolutions that I have made in the past, it seems the only ones that I have actually kept are the goals that I have written down. So with that, I am determined to be accountable for my big ideas and begin my blogging journey. I’ve been all talk for the last few months – time for action.

Inspiration from some of whom I deem to be Canadian education’s best bloggers (as they have inspired me to get to this point), George Couros, Brian Aspinall, Kristen Wideen, and Peter Cameron’s ShareEase have helped to shape my ideas, challenge my thinking, and confirm best practices. These leaders continue to give me insight, and be valuable members of my professional learning network on social media (and even in person!). A sincere ‘thank you’ to Brian Aspinall for keeping me in check and encouraging me on this journey.

So this is the year. This is the year I put all of my research, field experience, creativity, collaborative projects, presentations and my personal learning journey out there for all. After all, isn’t being a risk taker one of the Principal of Change’s 8 Characteristics for an Innovative Leader?

Here’s to an Innovative New Year!


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